% Create a 100x100 matrix with all zeros img = zeros(100,100); % Create a horizontal rectangle img(40:59,20:79) = 1; img(20:79,40:59) = 1; % imagesc(img); % show the image % Create Gaussian function [x,y] = meshgrid([-5:1:5],[-5:1:5]); gf = @(x,y,w) exp(-((x).^2+(y).^2)/w); % imagesc(gf(x,y,10));colormap('gray'); figure; % new window for figure i = 0; for w = [1 3 5 7 9] i = i+1; subplot(1,5,i); imagesc(gf(x,y,w));colormap('gray'); title(['Gaussian Function w/ w =',num2str(w)]); end figure; i = 0; for w = [1 3 5 7 9] i = i+1; subplot(1,5,i); imagesc(conv2(img,gf(x,y,w)));colormap('gray'); title(['Blurred image w/ w =',num2str(w)]); end